Finally, the long holiday is over. It has been a very long period of time since I last posted on this blog, since before the holidays. I hope that all of you have done what you set out to do, whatever homework, revision, gaming, anything. The holidays are the best time to do whatever you need to do. Now, I will share how I spent my holidays, having such a busy schedule despite it being the "holidays".
In primary school, when the word "holidays" comes into your mind, all you can think of is eat, play, sleep. Very few people see the holidays as a time where you will be so busy that you barely have any time to even do anything else. For me, my holidays was spent in quite a fruitful and busy way. First of all, like all other holidays, I have my waterpolo training that schedules us to train three times a week, occupying the entire morning. Furthermore, after every training session, I would already have been worn out by the strenuous training elements, falling onto my bed immediately when I get home, just wanting to sleep. However, throughout the entire holidays, it is impossible to sleep in peace. When you sleep, you think of all the work, the piles of work you have to complete by the end of holidays, and mine being reading novels and researching on war poetry. To be truthful, I procrastinated this and left almost most of the work to the end of the holidays. As a result, I always go home, knowing that I have all this work to complete, but I would have always been too exhausted to do anything, even too lazy just to get out of my bed. On other free days, I would spend those days going out, playing at home, or simply just slacking. However, from this holiday, from the way I spent, from how I had to rush everything frantically at the last moment and spending some late nights, my only piece of advise is that procrastination is bad. Seriously, procrastination will never lead to good things in this type of situations. It only gives you the psychological burden, having to think that you haven't done something throughout an entire month would make you extremely tedious as well.
Another main reason why I have been very busy during this past holiday is because of my project for Project's Day. As you should know, the semi-finals are approaching really soon and most of the project work should already have been done. Doing two projects, I had to carry out the necessary research and experiments for both projects since both involve scientific procedures. One of them, I had to be present in the lab only once, which was the entire afternoon. However, for the other project, it involved many protocols that I had to do, and they were extremely time consuming, honestly. I took many afternoons doing these protocols and preparation work and it spanned over the entire holiday. I really hope that both these projects can go far since we have really put in a lot of effort for both projects. However, still, if we cannot go far, it might just be fate and we have to live with it and face reality.
Well, this kind of sums up my entire June holidays and how I spent it. Although I got some work done, I am still not contented with the way I spent it. I should not have procrastinated so much and left everything to the last. It is a bad habit and I have to change it. Moreover, I should have used my holidays in a more fruitful manner, getting some revision done as well, instead of leaving everything to the last minute. So, how did you spend your holidays?
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